Tuesday, November 13, 2007

3 months

Today is November 13, and as of November 1, I had been posting here for three months. Much has happened in three months. I have now been married for three months, a quarter of a year, and very happily I might add. My husband has been tremendously supportive of the extra work load and stress that have come with me handling the three month sabbatical of my friend and senior minister.

This blog being three months old also means (mercifully) that Dee's sabbatical is drawing to a close. She will be back in the office with us two weeks from yesterday. Right now she is processing through how she will make that transition, and I will take my cues from her lead. She will be coming back at the beginning of another wonderful Advent season. I love that time of waiting for the birth of Christ, and how it reminds of of God's "fleshy" presence in the world.

As I have said before, I know more clearly now than ever that I am meant to be part of a team ministry, and so I am glad my teammate will be back soon. I have learned a lot in this three months, mostly about myself and my leadership style. I would say that I am more assertive than I was three months ago, and also that I have gained even more trust in this congregation. I would pray that God would guide me and Dee as well as we take the next steps with this church.

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